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*Don't forget to enter my candy HERE***
*Don't forget to enter my candy HERE***
Hi friends,
i dint finish up any new projects yet,so thought of sharing a quilling project that i did sometime back.It took me so many days to finish up this projects.As i am more into painting n all,i always tend to take up bigger projects,minimum of 2 feet,3 feet etc.In the same way i took a bigger base for this one,n it took me lots of time to finish up the base.Since it has tight coils it took around 700-800 strips of papers for the base,at one point of time i really thought of giving it up.But my mother was very much interested in this project,n bugged me to finish this up.She helped me in sticking all the strips together.Rest all is much easier,i finished it in 2 days.Hope you all like it,do let me know what you think.

My tilda treat bag made it to top 3 in Divas by design and Inky impressions challenge:).

Happy crafting,
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Extremely beautiful!! loved those froggies and the grass.
Your quilled pond looks really looks like a lot of work though...can imagine the Amt of time it must have taken to roll those strips!!!...and congrats on making it to top 3 for your tilda treat bag :)it really was deserving!!!
Ohh my God! This is absolutely amazing! I can never imagine to take up a project like that :)
I am sure your mother loved it :)
wow.. just awesome....really needs lot of work to complete this.... hats off to u..
The froggies look so cute and its a mammoth project indeed and glad your mom made you complete it! COngrats on your wins and All the best for the DT
This is awestruck creation... i love the watery effect. Really beautiful!!!
Such a beautiful project Kavi, Really neat and I am not surprised your mom wanted to see the finished project as your work looks so neat and perfect.
very innovative.... hatts off to the creative idea
very innovative... awesome work
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