Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Hi friends,
its candy time in my blog.Reason...?first of all my blog has become very dry this year as i am not posting regularly as i do.I hardly completed 10-12 post this year...can you believe?.My blog has reached some milestones some time back,and this candy is to celebrate that.Its been in due for some time now,thank god finally i got to post it now:).
So want to know the milestones...?he he,my blog has reached 300 followers and 3,00,000 hits last month and i have completed more than 400 post:))Believe me i was good blogger till last year;)and this is my 433 th post:)I am keeping it quiet simple as my blog anniversary is coming in june,and there is a call for huge celebration like last year:)

Candy includes:
  • 25 sheets of mixed brand pattern papers(6 by 6)
  • Tim holtz stamp
  • Ribbons
  • Bag of mixed die cuts
  • Doily
  • Mulberry flower bunches-2
  • Glitter roses-1 pack

So how could you win this?:
  • Become a follower of my this blog and my CRAFT STORE blog
  • Post this candy on your side bar
  • Like my FACE BOOK PAGE-1 extra chance
  • Share it on your face book page/blog -1 extra chance
  • My craft store customers get an extra chance,so if you are already a customer mention that in the comment,if not still you have one month time.If you buy anything from my store this month you will get the extra chance.Believe me there is going to be some awesome discounts in the store soon,so you have a valid reason to shop in my store:)
  • Comment in this post why do you like to visit my blog,what kind of works you want to see in future or why you decided to follow my blog?(just curious to know,lolz)

Thats it:),leave a separate comments for each extra chance.I will be adding more goodies if i reach 350 followers and even more 400 followers:)I will select a random winner on may 3rd:)

Happy crafting,


Neha Jain said...

wow..gr8 milestones Kavi

Congrats :)

am already a follower of all ur blogs :)

thanks for chance to win

Neha Jain said...

posting the candy on sidebar

liked ur fb page a long long time back

Neha Jain said...

sharing the post on my fb profile

Neha Jain said...

n i love ur cards yar...ur cards r very beautiful...u always give some tips and techniques which i love a lot
i always learn new things from u

Hussena said...

Congrats kavi on your various milestones in the blogland!!! you do seem to post a little infrequently nowadays but whenever you do its sure worth seeing:)love your beautiful cards and the varoius tips and techniques you share.
you know i am a follower already and i am posting about your candy in my sidebar as well as FB.
Thanks for the chance:)

Hlora said...

This is awesome candy! Тhanks for the chance to win! I am a follower)
I linked it on sidebar.
hugs. Hlora.

MEGHA said...

hi kavitha .first of all congrats for your golden milestones,300 followers and 3,00,000 hits and this 433 th post.your candy is mouthwatering.I became your CRAFT STORE blog follower

MEGHA said...

I posted candy on my blog's side bar

MEGHA said...


MEGHA said...


MEGHA said...

kavitha ,i tried to be your customer ,but i failed ,you asked for online payment and i was unable to go thrugh that ,will try .

MEGHA said...

kavitha ,i like your tilda cards tooooooo much . when i started bloging ,i saw tilda cards in large variety on your blog and FB. i am totally fascinated by them, n love them.i love your every n each work,n wish to see all variety in future.Speaking truly i follow your blog to see ""TILDA CARDS""

Swati said...

wow...what a lovely candy .....what a chance.......thank you...

Teddie Seeley said...

Wow! Kavi, you certainly are multi-talented.
I was going through your cards, and I noticed, you do a very fine job of coloring.
Follower here, and on your art page, also liked your facebook page.

Unknown said...

I am already a follower and also have liked your Fb page long back.just shared this candy on FB and have also posted it on my side bar.Congrats on achieving so much and many more.i like your blog a lot and your style because it inspires me to try and create better.

chillin with Quillin said...

congrats, Do enjoy looking at all your cards ,awesome works!
Been a follower for some time now !!

Shubhra said...

Congratulations Kavitha...!

Looking forward to your celebrations..it was a lot of fun last time !

Rainbow Craftykari said...

Congratulations Kavitha!!!

Really tempting Candy...Followed your blog and posted on my blog as well... already liked your facebook page and posted on my wall :) Have a fun time

Trupti said...

Congratulations Kavita. Lovely Candy. Love all your creations.


Ruchita said...

Thanks for a chance of winning.. Am follower of both ur blogs!!
Have also liked ur FB page!!

Crafterkhush said...

Congratulations Kavi.. A whole load of milestones for you...!! Well I already follow your craft store...!!

Crafterkhush said...

Posted the Candy on my blog side bar!!

Crafterkhush said...

i already like your FB page....!!

Crafterkhush said...

posted on my FB too... !!

Crafterkhush said...

On your blog I get to see the most amazing Magnolia cards. Plus you have a way with embellishing your card.. So I get new ideas.. Would love to see you try some recycling and maybe altered projects.. and yes quilling too.. Haven't seen you quill for sometime now...!!

Bhawana said...

Already have been following both your blogs. Thanks for the chance.

Bhawana said...

Liked your FB page

Bhawana said...

Shared it on my wall.

Bhawana said...

Yes I am already your customer.

Anonymous said...

follow blog, FB : done
share in my blog : Yosephine-Astutik.blogspot.com
share in FB : Lily Putih.


Poornima said...

Congrats Kavitha..follwed this blog also..Already a follower of your craft store blog..posted in my blog's sidebar !!

Poornima said...

liked your fb page too

Anonymous said...

wow!! Lovely Give away!! posted it on blog, liked fb page and followed store!! :) done it all!! :) thanks for the opportunity! :)

Crafterkhush said...

posted on my blog too on a post... will leave d link soon.. :)

Poornima said...

made a blogpost about it..

Poornima said...

Kavitha i simply love your colouring..your cards specially with tilda are simple superb..your cards inspired me to start coloring my stamped n digi images..thanks for inspiring us with your awesome projects...keep up the good work !!

*~řäđĥïķã~* said...

Hey kavitha, am a regular follower of both your blogs and by chance ordered with you this month as well :)
posted ur candy on my blog's sidebar and facebook page as well.
And about ur work, i love looking at ur cards and love the way u color ur tilda images. Keep it coming!
Congrats on the milestone!

Shilpi Gupta said...

Congrats Kavi....I am your follower....Your work is very inspiring and awesome....