this is a post i wanted to share for a long.Now its right time to post during the anniversary celebrations i guess. Initially i when i started a blog,i hardly know anything and the first 3 months will be really frustrating for all bloggers i guess,until at least few people recognize your blog and it take some time to appear in google search too.I really want to thank madhavi of get crafyt,who helped me a lot right from the beginning,she is a pioneer in blogging and she has a amazing network called Craftziners,she has the talent to bring the people together which all of us cannot do i think.Now its been two years since i started my blog,i guess i can give some tips to new bloggers,which will be helpful.This is just from my experience,other bloggers who have any tips please leave them in the comment section,i will add it here.After all,blogging is all about getting together and helping each other,what say??:)
- First n foremost,keep your blogger template a very appealing and pleasant one,which will attract people.Contrast designs and colors will irritate people,avoid black background.Few templates will take time to load,which will make readers impatient and leave your blog,so check it out before applying the template.
- It will take at least 3 to 4 months for your blog to appear in google search,so be patience at that time.Mean while you can visit other blogs,leave some comments so that people may get to know that your are here.
- There are lot of traffic sites in which you can submit your blog,which is supposed to bring more traffic to your site.I too did that initially,but dont know how far it worked:)).
- Keep the content of your blog interesting,new and useful.Concentrate on the way you present it,i mean the writing part n photographs.
- Have a blog roll that is related to the content of your blog,which will definitely help to bring in more people.
- Update your blog often at least 2 to 3 posts per week,only then your blog will appear in google search.
- Keep your title related to the post,..i can see many of them write A new work,..another painting, more card, that.Remember google searches only for the title and not the whole content of your blog.So keep a title n subtitle if you post different types of art-ex:if i post a quilling photo frame i keep my title as QUILLING-PHOTO FRAME OR QUILLED PHOTO FRAME,so if somebody searches for quilling or photo frame,my blog will appear for both.
- Apart from regular post,keep some contest,events in which people can participate and it will bring more people in.
- If you are good in writing tutorials that is the best thing that can bring in more visitors,because only people who wants to self learn things will be visiting blogs often.
- While writing a post keep the common visitors in your mind,not only your blog friends.You will hardly have 50 blog friends:))so your target should be common visitors which will be in lakhs.
So thats it came to my mind now,if i can i will update it more later.Please feel free to share your tips in the comment section which i will add it here,come lets help our new blog friends,..:))
Happy blogging,

hey thanks so much for sharing this.. this is really interesting...
very interesting, thanks for sharing!!!
thanks kavitha for taking time to explain all these things, guess never thought about all the points that u have penned while setting up my blog,ur tips will surely be kept in mind for my any future posts.
this is so interesting.. thank u for sharing....
Thanks for sharing this .vey helpful write up
Amazing tips..very helpful for new bloggers like me :) thanks for sharing
Kavi I remembered reading this post of yours long back and today had to go digging at your blog to find it. Thank You so much! Have linked to this awesome post here :
Got your link from Dr.Sonia, great list of things!
Very intersting blog..will visit you again :)
Anitha from
Came here from Dr Sonia's post, I am your newest follower, pl visit
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